How two veteran marketers have REPEATED their accidental disovery that generates Affiliate commissions on Autopilot with Pages That Rapidly Rank for FREE on Major Search Engines! 

Forget Boring, Time-Consuming and Expensive SEO... 
You too can cash in with EZ-O.

How EZ-O Gets Results FAST!

Take a proven high converting affiliate offer with guaranteed approval in a smoking hot niche. In this instance, EndoPump.

Rank special 'local' pages using our virtually automatic ranking formula (set it and forget it).

Prospects are driven to proven, high converting pages that in turn promote the high converting, proven offer to them.

OPTIONAL: Plug in a really simple way to capture leads and follow them up with high converting email sequences for even bigger profits.

Watch this demo video...

In this video Curt demonstrates our previous EZO launch which used a weight loss product. The process is IDENTICAL...

Our Simple SaaS Based AI Software Does All The Hard Work For You!

Then you just follow a few simple steps which are all explained so a child could understand, step-by-step in our members area and wait for the commissions to start coming in!

From the desk of Alpaca Content.
November 30th 2023

Hey it's Andie and Curt here with EZO Content,

It's crazy...

We replicated the huge success of our last EZO launch in September and have now built an EZO system that will pull commissions from high demand niches using the power of 'local search' and then driving that traffic through specially designed and high converting 'blog sites' that result in your prospects being exposed to your affiliate links for a product we already KNOW converts!

It's like discovering the holy grail!

And the insane thing...

No one else is doing this and there is enough pie for everyone!

Think about this for a moment...

The traditional SEO approach is to build pages that rank on an international level. This takes countless hours, studying of stats and not to mention some really premium services to do all the grunt work.

You go at it for months, you finally start earning a few dollars and...

Please note: This is NOT  the actual holy grail. We really don't want emails from knights of the round table asking about it. We believe the whereabouts of the actual grail to be somewhere near the... We apologise for the issue with the captioning, those responsible have been fired.




Big G changes it's algorithm, your pages vanish to page 2 or 3 where no one ever looks and all that time, money and effort was for nothing.

But we noticed something that never gets slapped, consistently ranks and performs well, is 100% ethical, legal and not even slightly grey hat (if you do it the way we show you).

This cunning method has worked for years and short of the entire Internet changing the way it works... It always will.

How It Works...

Think about it for a moment...

How does all marketing work?

When you boil it down to basics, a marketer goes where there is a captive audience of buyers who are likely looking for a solution to something and puts up a sign telling those prospects that they have the thing they're looking for.

Sounds over simplistic right?

But that really is the how and why of it.

You cannot and will not ever reach every prospect...

But that's OK...

It's why local businesses thrive!

Because there are enough potential customers for them within a limited radius of where they're based.

In the old days people would have found these businesses via the Yellow Pages or perhaps a local business directory, and in some cases from local advertising.

If there's enough people locally to support businesses, it stands to reason there must also be people in your local area who are seeking solutions to weight loss, fitness, and many more things that can be solved with an internationally available product.


EZO Takes that restriction and turns it into a competitive advantage, and cashes in big time!

For the sake of example, let's take an ordinary person, we'll call them Jimbob...

Jimbob lives in a little town in the back of buggery, in any English speaking country in the world...

The gurus keep telling Jimbob that because they have an internet connection they can reach billions of people...

That is 'guuuuruuuu' bullshit...

And also totally unnecessary...

Sure, the potential is there, just as potentially anyone can become a billionaire - it doesn't mean we're likely to achieve it.

Besides, you'd need a huge ad budget...

The EZO way is different. It's based on sensible, realistic goals and reach...

Our friend Jimbob might live anywhere, it could be a city with thousands of residents, or an isolated farm house in the middle of no where...

What Jimbob needs to realise is that they can target a radius around him that includes large towns and cities and that in that radius will be a multitude of prospects searching for what they have to offer.

And big G and other search engines will reward them with free advertising just because he laser focuses on a specific target area in the form of high ranking listings...

Less Thinking, More Doing!
The EZO Way...

Forget Niche Research that takes forever...

No Time Consuming Niche Research!

We've done all the research and hard work for you!
We've found the highest converting products in an already proven niche and our amazing AI content builder does all the heavy lifting. In this pack we focus on the mens prostate health niche and are using the ClickBank product EndoPump, the current top selling prostate product across the entire Clickbank platform.

Say No to Expensive Local Databases...

We Harness the Power of AI...

Traditional local SEO involves buying locality databases, or pinching one online and then creating loads of content...

Screw that!  It takes time and money... Instead...

Let the EZO AI System do all the work for us!

No wasting cash on SEO tools...

We Spend Diddly, Nuttin, Nada on SERPS tools and software...

Our unique, proven and tested approach doesn't need any additional special software. Just do as we do in the training video and in no time flat you'll have your very own site live and starting to rank.

No Long Complicated Tasks...

Everything is broken down into short, easy to follow steps...

You won't believe how quickly you can get everything done.

No feature length training videos that take you several hours to go through before you can get started - that sucks!

Instead we break down each easy step and show you what little you need to know in short, quick and easy to watch videos.

Here's EXACTLY What You're Getting Today...

100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee

Relax! Your order is totally risk-free.

Join us today and if for any reason you cannot follow the simple steps and get your EZO Liv Pure site live online, and our support is unable to assist, then we will issue you a prompt and courteous refund of your purchase price. 

That is our promise to you.

But I don't want to sell a prostate health product!

That's fine. Perhaps you're not a marketer or an entrepreneur...

And if all that you're hung up on is the niche, we have an upsell that makes it possible to create these sites for ANY PRODUCT/Niche, using ANY affiliate network!

But it's also worth pointing out that I used to only want to sell products I was massively interested in, and in many ways I still do...

But when something is this simple, direct and requires so little manual upkeep, frankly you'd just be a terrible business person to pass it by.

Do newspapers pick and choose their advertisers?

Do influencers promote stuff they think is good even if it's not for them?

Of course - because it's how we all make money online! 

Legal Notices and Disclaimers.

Our support email is [email protected]


If you're deterred by the niche this is in, click the button to see our any niche/any product/any affiliate network version of EZO - it's the exact tool we use to create these packs for sale and make a hefty profit!